Thursday, May 9, 2019

Terminal commands

  Terminal command

Terminal is used to command to do a work. There are two types of interface is used
  1. GUI - Graphical user interface
  2. CLI - Command line interface
GUI is user friendly.GUI interface between user and pc by icons.
command line is full of coding without icons or mouse.
1st generation computers are like command line interface system.

Some of the Linux Terminal commands that used  mainly in systems 

ls         when type this command you will get all of the content list in your pc or al the list which  point you are in.

cd         (change directly)     this function  help to open a file folder or a path    
mkdir   (make a directory)   This command creates new folder to the location
rmdir  (remove diectory )  this command used remove a file folder from pc

pwd          command display the full path 

tree      This key shows the directory what you have.

cd ..        This command ride you back way of your path.

mv         This function is used for two purpose first is moving folders or file and then  Rename the files.

rm            This command directly remove file/ folders

cp            This may help to copy the file and folders

echo      This command  add characters in your text file or html files.
cat           This function helps to display what you have on your text files.

passwd      If you want change your  password you can do by this command

touch        By using this function we can add text file or html file 

locate          If you know a file name then you can get the path of the file by using this

There are some more function for the knowledge

  • htop            - to monitor the machine activity
  • df                - to get the disk space
  • du               - documents memory status
  • hostname    - you pc name
  • uname         - to change your pc name
  • ping             - to check your connection to a server

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