Wednesday, May 15, 2019


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a text-based approach to describing how content contained within an HTML file is structured. This markup tells a web browser how to display the text, images and other forms of multimedia on a webpage.

What is html?
html is mainly used to develop the web . there are two types of web development we can see.
first is frontend , another backend
html is the front end development lanquage 

Frontend design: HTML,CSS

Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages.

 HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

Commonly used HTML tags

The role of HTML is to inform a web browser about how the content contained within an HTML file is structured. Commonly used HTML tags include <H1>, which describes a top-level heading; <H2>, which describes a second-level heading; <p> to describe a paragraph; <table>, which describes tabular data; and <ol>, which describes an ordered list of information.

As you can see from this very short list, HTML tags primarily dictate the structural elements of a page.
Describing within an HTML tag how an HTML element should be formatted when rendered on a webpage is considered an HTML antipattern. HTML should describe how content is structured, not how it will be styled and rendered within a browser.

What is well-formed HTML?
In order for a web browser to display an HTML page without error, it must be provided with well-formed HTML. To be well-formed, each HTML element must be contained within an open tag -- <p> -- and a close tag -- </p>. Furthermore, any new tag opened within another tag must be closed before the containing tag is closed. So <h1><p>well-formed HTML</p></h1> is well-formed HTML, while <h1><p>well-formed HTML</h1></p> is not well-formed HTML.

HTML syntax standards

Another syntax rule is that HTML attributes should be enclosed within single or double quotes. There is often debate about which format is technically correct, but the World Wide Web Consortium asserts that both approaches are acceptable.

How to use and implement HTML

Because HTML is completely text-based, an HTML file can be edited simply by opening it up in a program such as Notepad++,Atom, Vi or Emacs. Any text editor can be used to create or edit an HTML file and, so long as the file is created with a .html extension, any web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, will be capable of displaying the file as a webpage.

HTML Documents
All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPEhtml>.
The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>.

The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>

For more info:

Example for a html code

<title> it display on the tittlebar</title>
<body><h1><b> h1 to h6 are the heading elements</h1><b></body>
<h2>h1 to h6  size of the heading going decrease</h2>
<h3>New world of word</h3>
<h4>New world of word</h4>
<h5>New world of word</h5>
<h6>New world of word</h6>

<b>formatting elements</b><br>
<strong>formatting elements</strong>
<em>formatting elements</em>
<mark>formatting elements</mark>
<small>formatting elements</small>
<del>formatting elements</del>
<ins>formatting elements</ins>

<p>this is used to write a paragraph and
 <br> Element break your line and start with the new line  and we dont need to put ending tag to br
<!-- this is comment-->

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