Sunday, May 26, 2019


Styling HTML with CSS

This definition explains the meaning of CSS (cascading style sheets) and how using them with HTML pages is a user interface (UI) development best practice that complies with the separation of concerns design pattern.

    • CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
    • CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.
    • CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple webpages all at once.

      CSS can be added to HTML elements in 3 ways:

      Inline - By using the style attribute in HTML elements
                             :- An inline CSS is used to apply a unique style to a single HTMLelement.
                                   eg:  <h1 style="color:blue;">This is a Blue Heading</h1>

      Internal - By using a <style> element in the <head> section
                             :- An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page.
                                     An internal CSS is defined in the <head> section of an HTML
                                                   page, within a <style> element:
                                                          body {background-color: powderblue;}

                                                          h1 {color: blue;}
                                                           p {color: red;}

      External - By using an external CSS file.An external style sheet is used to define the style for                                     manyHTMLpages.With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire
                                     web site, by changing one file.
                                                           <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">

      CSS is the standard and preferred mechanism for formatting HTML pages.

      Conforming with the separation of concerns design pattern and best practice, cascading style sheets provide a central location in which information about what various fonts, foreground colors, background colors, italicization and emphasization should be applied to various HTML elements within a webpage. Cascading style sheets can also control how various parts of a page, such as the header, footer, body, article content, sections and asides, are laid out on the page. This is extremely helpful when content must be laid out in a dramatically different fashion depending upon whether it is being viewed on a desktop, tablet or a smartphone.

      Implementing CSS formatting

      The cascading nature of CSS files is attributed to the fact that style information for a webpage can be defined in any of three different places, also known as style levels.

      The preferred practice is to put style information in a separate file with a .css extension. Using formatting information contained within an external cascading style sheet is accomplished via the HTML link tag. A webpage can link to zero, one or may different external CSS files by using multiple link tags.

      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="what-is-css.css">

      However, on smaller projects or in cases where a given webpage is interested in overriding some of the style information in an external CSS file, style information can be written within a <style> tag inside the webpage. This is known as an internal style level. Internal style level information within a webpage will override any style information provided by an external cascading style sheet.

      Cascading style rules

      Furthermore, all HTML5 tags have a style property that one can use to override any style information defined at either the page style level or in an external style sheet. Using an HTML tag to define CSS information is referred to as an inline style. The fact that style rules dictate that parent-level styles are overridden by page-level styles and page-level styles are overridden by tag-level styles is what is meant by style sheets being cascading.

      Style sheet language
      CSS syntax is relatively simple. The name of the element to style, referred to as the CSS selector, is followed by braces, within which various attributes, such as font-size and background-color are assigned values.

      CSS selectors
      CSS selectors can be HTML tags, class attributes assigned to HTML tags and even states of a given element, such as the disabled state of an input field or the hover state of an anchor link. Making it possible to customize the style of components depending upon their state or how they are classified on a page provides the graphic designer a great deal of flexibility in determining how a webpage will be rendered by the browser.

      CSS example

      Notice that, when the webpage renders, any text that is not contained within a style just renders as plain black text on a white background.

      Any text contained within a paragraph tag without an inline style pulls formatting information from the internal stylesheet, which means it is rendered as blue, 14-pixel, italicized text on a silver background. However, when the inline style is used, the internal style overrides and matches properties, while leaving nonconflicting attributes alone, causing the text to render as white, 20-pixel, italicized text on a silver background.

      To Get more formation visit w3 school: click here

      Friday, May 24, 2019


      INSTALL                 sudo apt-get install git
      USERNAME           git config --global "user_name"
      EMAIL ID                git config --global "email_id"

      After installation you have to create you own profile 

      Why we use git hub : 
      We can add new repositories
      We can do a work as a team
      Can get suggestion from other developpers 
      Communicate with others and join their project

      Terminal command for 
      • git init                                                      : to create a hidden folder
      • git add (file name)  /   git add *               : to send files to the hidden folder
      • git status                                                 : to see the status about files     
      • git commit -m "type the message"          : to set the file before push
      • git  remote add origin (url type your url)  : which url you have to send file
      • git remote remove origin                          : if you type wrong url to clear       
      • git remote -v                                           : to check the connection to url
      • git push -u origin  master                         : to push the file to github

      Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 12 different programming languages including Python, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL, C++, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.
      He site also offers a paid "pro" option that gives users access to a personalized learning plan, quizzes, realistic projects, and live help from advisors.

      Codecademy was founded in August 2011 by Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski

      As part of the Computer Science Education Week held in December 2013, 
      Codecademy launched their first iOS app called "Hour of Code". The app focuses on the basics of programming, including the same content from the website.

      However this codeacdemy will helpful for the self learners and enthusiast in IT field.


      Atom is a text editor software 

      Atom is a free and open-source

      Programming lanqage support
      • C
      • C++
      • C#
      • COBOL
      • CSS
      • GitHub Flavored Markdown
      • Go
      • HTML
      • Java
      • JavaScript
      • Objective-C
      • Perl
      • PHP
      • Property lists
      • Python
      How to install Atom by termnal
      Step 1 : Add repository:
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom

      Step 2 : Update the Repository
      sudo apt-get update

      Step 3 : Install Atom.
      sudo apt-get install atom

      Wednesday, May 15, 2019


      HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a text-based approach to describing how content contained within an HTML file is structured. This markup tells a web browser how to display the text, images and other forms of multimedia on a webpage.

      What is html?
      html is mainly used to develop the web . there are two types of web development we can see.
      first is frontend , another backend
      html is the front end development lanquage 

      Frontend design: HTML,CSS

      Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages.

       HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document.

      Commonly used HTML tags

      The role of HTML is to inform a web browser about how the content contained within an HTML file is structured. Commonly used HTML tags include <H1>, which describes a top-level heading; <H2>, which describes a second-level heading; <p> to describe a paragraph; <table>, which describes tabular data; and <ol>, which describes an ordered list of information.

      As you can see from this very short list, HTML tags primarily dictate the structural elements of a page.
      Describing within an HTML tag how an HTML element should be formatted when rendered on a webpage is considered an HTML antipattern. HTML should describe how content is structured, not how it will be styled and rendered within a browser.

      What is well-formed HTML?
      In order for a web browser to display an HTML page without error, it must be provided with well-formed HTML. To be well-formed, each HTML element must be contained within an open tag -- <p> -- and a close tag -- </p>. Furthermore, any new tag opened within another tag must be closed before the containing tag is closed. So <h1><p>well-formed HTML</p></h1> is well-formed HTML, while <h1><p>well-formed HTML</h1></p> is not well-formed HTML.

      HTML syntax standards

      Another syntax rule is that HTML attributes should be enclosed within single or double quotes. There is often debate about which format is technically correct, but the World Wide Web Consortium asserts that both approaches are acceptable.

      How to use and implement HTML

      Because HTML is completely text-based, an HTML file can be edited simply by opening it up in a program such as Notepad++,Atom, Vi or Emacs. Any text editor can be used to create or edit an HTML file and, so long as the file is created with a .html extension, any web browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, will be capable of displaying the file as a webpage.

      HTML Documents
      All HTML documents must start with a document type declaration: <!DOCTYPEhtml>.
      The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>.

      The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>

      For more info:

      Example for a html code

      <title> it display on the tittlebar</title>
      <body><h1><b> h1 to h6 are the heading elements</h1><b></body>
      <h2>h1 to h6  size of the heading going decrease</h2>
      <h3>New world of word</h3>
      <h4>New world of word</h4>
      <h5>New world of word</h5>
      <h6>New world of word</h6>

      <b>formatting elements</b><br>
      <strong>formatting elements</strong>
      <em>formatting elements</em>
      <mark>formatting elements</mark>
      <small>formatting elements</small>
      <del>formatting elements</del>
      <ins>formatting elements</ins>

      <p>this is used to write a paragraph and
       <br> Element break your line and start with the new line  and we dont need to put ending tag to br
      <!-- this is comment-->

      Flow chart & Psudo code

      A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or process, 
      showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with arrows.

      we can do flow chart in 3 ways

      • ⇾Sequence  
      • ⇾Selection   (if conditions)
      • ⇾Repitation  (while loop, for loop)


      Psudo code

      There are some tools are used to convert algorithms into computer programs:

      Flowchart - Graphically depicts the logical steps to  carry out a task and shows how the steps relate to
      each other.

      Pseudocode - Uses English-like phrases with someVisual Basic terms to outline the program.

      basic step for psudo code:
      begin →input→process→/decision/→output→end

      ⧫   lets see the the psudo code for above picture:

      input lamp
      process lamp dosent work
      if lamp not plug in  then
           if the lamp burned then
                    print(replace bulb)
            else   print(repair)

      end if

      Thursday, May 9, 2019

      Nano command


      (command in terminal)

      Nano,Vi  — nano and vi are already installed text editors in the Linux command line. 
      The nano command is a good text editor that denotes keywords with color and can recognize most languages. 
      And vi is simpler than nano. You can create a new file or modify a file using this editor. 

      For example, if you need to make a new file named "check.txt", you can create it by using the command “nano check.txt”. 
      You can save your files after editing by using the sequence Ctrl+X, then Y (or N for no). 

      In creators view, using nano for HTML editing doesn't seem as good,Because of its colour.

      Terminal commands

        Terminal command

      Terminal is used to command to do a work. There are two types of interface is used
      1. GUI - Graphical user interface
      2. CLI - Command line interface
      GUI is user friendly.GUI interface between user and pc by icons.
      command line is full of coding without icons or mouse.
      1st generation computers are like command line interface system.

      Some of the Linux Terminal commands that used  mainly in systems 

      ls         when type this command you will get all of the content list in your pc or al the list which  point you are in.

      cd         (change directly)     this function  help to open a file folder or a path    
      mkdir   (make a directory)   This command creates new folder to the location
      rmdir  (remove diectory )  this command used remove a file folder from pc

      pwd          command display the full path 

      tree      This key shows the directory what you have.

      cd ..        This command ride you back way of your path.

      mv         This function is used for two purpose first is moving folders or file and then  Rename the files.

      rm            This command directly remove file/ folders

      cp            This may help to copy the file and folders

      echo      This command  add characters in your text file or html files.
      cat           This function helps to display what you have on your text files.

      passwd      If you want change your  password you can do by this command

      touch        By using this function we can add text file or html file 

      locate          If you know a file name then you can get the path of the file by using this

      There are some more function for the knowledge

      • htop            - to monitor the machine activity
      • df                - to get the disk space
      • du               - documents memory status
      • hostname    - you pc name
      • uname         - to change your pc name
      • ping             - to check your connection to a server

      Wednesday, May 8, 2019




       Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards.
      this  is a web based list-making application originally made by fog greek software in 2011.
      trello interfear with much things to help people to organized their activities. Such as estate management, software project management, school bulletin boards, lesson planning, accounting, web design, gaming and law office case management and etc

      trello's job is organized the list and keep your project management.
       one of the benifits its contain many reviews and expert arguments so we can gather knowledege from it.

      Tuesday, May 7, 2019

      Google Classroom

      Google classroom

      Nower days is this mostly used by our teachers in classes ... in a minute , every students  can get the whole notes by joining their rooms .
      Easy to explain
      Its an room put notes ,exams through the google so  called google classroom.As a free online learning platform, Google Classroom offers several benefits for students and teachers.

      Google class room can be accessed to upload and download any computer or any devices via Google chrome . Which are stored in google classroom on drive.

      Touch Typing

      Touch Typing

      Touch is make you familiar with keyboard and increasing your typing speed. 

      Definition of the touch typing
      Touch typing is a method of typing without using the sense of sight, or simply by feeling the keyboard.

      According to this picture:
      Shows home row keys .left hand home row keys are (ASDF ) and ( JKL
      ;) are the right hand .

      What is the home row keys

      When start the touch typing using a standard keyboard with the hand placed starting position ,called home row key.Its very tuff to typing in this proper way.
      Each fingers has assigned letters on keyboard. 
       That are in under the picture


      In a software company you will be able to know this touch typing and its must for each software students because it will save your valuable time .

      thank you guys don't forget to leave your comments.



      what is the slack? is a software make by the complecated codings.
      mainly slack use for the official usage like communicate with their coworkers  in business topics or something else.Slack is also like the social media like whatsapp ,viber.

      How to start the Slack  if you get an invited link from your team admin or owner
       or easily you can get it  from google chrome or app store or playstore.

      we can use this to communicate with each other in  groups ,private chats too.But its usually used for official discussions. we can attach files ,emojies.   Files, peoples, conversation  all contents are searchable in slack.

      link :
       Click here to download slack

      founder of slack :- stewart butterfeild


      In this tutorial, we will also have a look at the express framework. This framework is built in such a way that it acts as a minimal an...